Embracing Localism in the Landscape

Nonfood - CurrentLA Food

Embracing Localism in the Landscape

Orcutt Ranch Horticultural Center, West Hills, Council District 12

presented by Nonfood

  • Sunday, 10/6, 11am - 1pm

With so many native species to choose from (more than 6,000), where does a gardener who is interested in transformative landscaping begin to choose? The Theodore Payne Foundation has been striving to create a selection of plants that represents the vast diversity of our local and, in many cases, endemic flora. Find out how planting locally native species inspires beauty in the garden and adds resilience to your landscape. Led by Tim Becker. Capacity is limited to 13; RSVP preferred, space given on a first-come, first-served basis.


Orcutt Ranch Horticultural Center

23600 Roscoe Blvd
West Hills, CA 91304

Neighborhood West Hills
